Why is there no AI Report for X company?
Why is there no AI Report for X company? It requires a lot of high quality & reliable data to generate our AI reports. Because of this, it is not easy, simple or even possible to include all stocks in the world. Our AI Reports are limited to stocks traded on the following 3 exchanges: NYSE NASDAQ TSX To make an accurate evaluation of a company, our AI reports also require at least 7 years of data while the company has been traded on one of the above exchanges. Lastly our system onlySome readersHow fast do I have to make the trades?
How fast do I have to make the trades? Unlike day-trading, whether you log-in to your broker an hour or a few days after we update our trades rarely makes a noticeable difference. On occasion one of our trades might increase significantly shortly after we trade it, however the opposite is also true and over a long period of time the slippage gains and losses for being aFew readers